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Olisadebe on the way out?


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i was just looking at that article 10min ago....

It would be hard to see olisadebe leave , without fully reaching his potential in the pao jersey.

However, if the situation remains the same(max playing time 10 min) then i wouldnt mind him leaving. It would actually be better, as it would give more playing time to other players.

I just dont know what to think with olisadebe....on the one side i say cash in on him..(but then the money goes straight into V's pocket, then spends 2% of that on someone else.) and on the other side i say keep even if he only has two legs(including the 3rd leg that is) cause he has left good memories, and yeah...

im still confused with him...will he play will he not...who the fuk knows....the same goes for sanmartean.

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