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Posts posted by kosaca

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ellada2004 said:

    The attitude of some of these Bosnians is so laughable!

    Were are the new Bosnian posters on this forum??


    Here. I've been here for a while though.

    I don't know why you have this impression in every post, no one thinks we are a big team, we are a mediocre team who fights for 2nd and 3rd place in qualification groups. No one thinks we're a superpower. Today, we played a horrible game and closed down after leading 2-0 and got what was to be expected. In the end, lucky to keep it at 2-2 and not concede a 3rd goal. That's football.

    Anyway, until October 15th, peace out

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  2. 6 minutes ago, tantra129 said:

    what is the state of the Bosnian NT these days?


    Hello. It has been a while since I last wrote here, who knew we would be in this situation again so soon?

    Bosnia has undergone a transformation under new manager Robert Prosinečki who can certainly put up some impressive numbers to his name so far. Since Robert Prosinečki took over, Bosnia have only conceded 4 goals in the last 10 games, one of those being a 93rd minute deflection against Northern Ireland. The current team is much more organized, disciplined and defensively compact than the one Greece played in the last qualification campaign - the fact Bosnia has been promoted to Divison A of the UEFA Nations League is proof of this. However, Bosnia has lost its offensive touch and finds it harder to come to goals and chances than would have previously been the case. For example, the team only managed one shot on target in the game against Austria at home and that was the shot that resulted in the only goal of the game, giving Bosnia a 1-0 victory.

    I expect a hard match tomorrow, it could go either way.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ellada2004 said:

    @kosaca are you serious? It was pretty clear I watched after the match ended and saw your "security" guards beating Greek fans and not stopping your fans from clubbing some of our older fans as well!

    Just get your facts straight when you come on to our site!

    I have my facts straight and have seen all the evidence. Where have you seen our fans clubbing your fans? I can't find that anywhere. Do you have any proof of this? I've seen the video of security hitting some Greek fans (when Zeca and some other players came up to fence) but our fans are not in that clip. The fans were separated by a buffer zone with about 100 security guards in it.

    Also, what happened there exactly? Did the travelling fan supporter group make any statement?



  4. He was employed by Bazdarevic, not by the Federation, that doesn't make him a part of the federation. If you are employed by a company to do a job, and in doing that job you hire someone to help you with one part of it, that doesn't mean that your company has hired that worker. 

    But as I said, he's gone! Stephane is no more. The punishment is final and talking about it won't change it.

    Gilli - hit a player, as a result lost his job, got sued and fined.

    Security - hit travelling fans, as a result the stadium was suspended and contract changed.

    Besic - hit Manolas, received 1 game suspension.

    That's perfectly fair. I don't understand your outrage. Closed doors bans are usually reserved for pitch invasions or extreme hate speech such as neo-Nazi chanting.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    Eh. What do you expect him to say? Put the FA under the pressure of a possible bigger punishment? Nevermind if you re not interested to actually read what im saying just let it go.

    I've read what you've said, I'm telling you he's been punished. I've also been searching through history and I haven't found a single instance  in football history where the fans have been punished for the actions of the players or coaching staff. Do you have one? 

  6. 1 minute ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    Clueless poster.

    Gilli is part of your Federation and part of Bazdarevic coaching team. Period.

    Most if not all coaches (example Bazdarevic) have a coaching team - coaching stuff that follows them wherever they go. Most of the assistant coaches and coaching stuff is appointed from the head coach himself. And most of them are also paid from the head coach's salary. Their money from the team include a portion that goes to the coaching stuff. 

    This is exactly the case here. This Gilli dude follows Bazdarevic everywhere, and since Bazdarevic signed with Bosnia, he is a part of your federation.

    Clueless as f*ck bro.

    No he isn't, he worked for the Bosnia national team but he wasn't not employed by the Bosnian FA, he's Bazdarevic's friend and works through him. If you were talking about Peric or Jankovic that would be a different matter.  Our manager says right here that he's NOT employed by the FA! 


    Not that it matters, he's left. What point are you trying to make anymore? 

  7. 11 hours ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    Just consider the B side

    Tielemans,Defour,Mirallas,Benteke,Batsuayi,Thorgan Hazard.

    Bosnia needs a win so they re gonna open up. Their defence sucks so they re gonna concede once. Then they gonna open up more and end up with 4-5. The only reason we played Belgium in a pretty balanced way twice, was because we have a defense that's capable of nulifying most organized attacks. Bosnia realistically can't, and neither can they score heaps of goals against the decent B defence of Belgium.

    Belgium will not play a B side, I'm not sure where this is coming from? Martinez already said he will play all the regulars Hazard, De Bruyne, Lukaku, etc.

  8. 11 hours ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    Why would the fans be punished (or the team) for something which had nothing to do with them
    Wrong. A representative of your federation physically hit a represetnative of our federation. It actually HAD to do with them. A game behind closed doors means not only that your team has no atmosphere to back them up, but also that your federation loses a portion of their income from that match. It seems as a fair punishment. Videos show Bazdarevic actually talking to Manolas with an aggressive/intimidating voice. Is he not a representative of your team/Federation as well? You are literally clueless about how organizations work, if you think no punishment should exist.

    Nope, he isn't a representative of the federation. He isn't employed by them or legally contracted to the football federation. He did his job for free as he is a friend of the manager. I've already said, he has been punished individually which is the correct procedure. This is of course if we ignore that Gianniotas (don't even remember who it was actually) actually also attacked him and tried to whip him in the face. I suppose by your logic when two players get in a fight on the field that the club should get a stadium ban because the players are 'representatives of the club'? When a player does a brutal slide tackle and breaks the leg of an opposition player, that's worth a closed doors ban? Maybe when Wayne Rooney kicked Andrija Delibasic in the back in 2012, England should have received a stadium ban? :confused:



    Again wrong. A bigger fine or a match behind closed doors, for reasons explained before in this post, seems more reasonable and realistic. If I remember correctly your cops and fans were attacking the Greek side as well. I guess if UEFA had decent footage of it(and not just pictures of Cops blocking the pathway not allowing our fans to go out)

    The fine is large enough, especially given the additional player suspensions and stadium suspension. It will not be played behind closed doors neither has a closed doors ban ever been given for a similar incident.


    It would be comical to do something about it right? I mean you can't be wrong and biased can you? Jesus. I mean Jesus, if you just  wanna come here and make a fool of yourself you could just say that Besic is good after his only start whole season Everton lost to Atalanta 3-0. 

    Hmm, I wonder could you be? Given that our fans were hospitalised in Athens, and nothing was done about it

    What? Besic played his first game after 18 months of injury and they lost a game, that definitely says a lot. It's not as though football is played 11 vs 11, is it, "GreekAttackSux"? Dortmund also lost 3-1, does this mean Sokratis Papastathopoulos is a bad player?


    Greece got off without any punishment for their antics in November so why are you so outraged?

    Our national anthem talks about people sacrificing themselves to not become the pawns of a conqueror, and about the bones of Greeks who fought and died in order for this country to be what it is today. Your fans booing our Anthem in 2013 shows disrespect (of course our fans did it back too next match because this is footy) so does a banner about the Serbian bloodlust. Why you keep spamming it like it's something different? We dont like you, you dont like us get over it. I don't remember anyong punching any of your manlets in the face, so how exactly is a "brutal yet successfull(considering the butthurt it created)fan bantz" related with a "Federeation employee punch in da face and remove a tooth of a 1,60 smurf" or even close? What they teach u in Bosnian school? F*CKIN LOLOLOLEN MY BROSNIAN.

    The first time that an anthem was booed was the anthem of Bosnia in Athens in 2011 (when the flag was also burned), if you are going to talk about 'doing it first'. No Bosnian fan knows the lyrics to the anthem, therefore they are not booing Greek bones or whatever you are thinking about. Every country has their own history full of turmoil. 

    Actually I don't have anything against Greeks, neither do most Bosnians, but Greeks seem to hate Bosnians for some reason. 

    Furthermore, a slogan mocking genocide is not 'bantz', it is a most serious offence. If Turks raised a banner mocking the Greek genocide or something related (I don't really know much about Turkish history), I'm sure that people here would be calling either for Turkey to be banned from football, right?


    There is no global conspiracy against your football federation.

    Noone said that. Everyone in international forums (non Greeks if you dont mind) said that there is just a UEFA extra care torwards the Bosnian Federation.

    How? What do they care for? Why would they care about Bosnia? A nation without any officials in UEFA or FIFA has preferential treatment you think? Do you also think they care for us when they suspended us from football in 2010 and 2011, when we drew the toughest team in playoffs twice in a row, when we had two refereeing decisions go against us (Dzeko vs Nigeria 2014, Spahic vs France 2011)? Just curious, because that makes no sense. If anything they are favoured towards England, France, Spain, Germany, etc.


    Anyways, UEFA somehow thought that, a federation member punching an opponent in the face after the match is over --mind you the reason is because he didnt want Bazdarevic to stop swearing to Manolas and he didn't wanna stop Dzeko from fighting Manolas just because he wanted to, but no Option C :Kick a manlet in the face and have him stay awake for the tooth fairy, seemed the best one-- is more acceptable and less punishable behaviour than publishing your political views and your intolerance torwards other races. Both are reprehensible, but its another thing what happens between the member federations of UEFA, which UEFA has the authorities to punish, and what happens from the fans, who - with a non violent yet unacceptable neo nazi behaviour - honestly apart from showing the Swastiga, did nothing hostile

    You ve probably seen i ve bolded all these definitions Federation member/employee/representative. This just to make you understand why punishing a Federation for Gilli's act is justified.

    Good night mios amigo. Im high af although im pretty sure its obvious. 

    He's not employed by the federation, therefore the federation can't be legally held responsible for his actions. That's why he was punished individually by the way.

    Anyway, he's gone now. The punishment is more than enough, fan trouble and booing hymns is never punished as severely as you are making out! In the Serbia-Wales game in June, Serbian fans attacked the Welsh and ripped their flags off and threw firecrackers at them, but yet again they didn't receive a single punishment! Why? Because it just doesn't happen.

  9. Absolutely, but the punishment we received is bigger than you think. As I said, we only have one Category 3 stadium in the country which means we're playing at an improvised stadium in another city which we've never played in before so it will be a disadvantage especially against Belgium which are 5 classes above us. Your NT do not need to worry about our results but about Sweden or Wales, no way we beat Belgium. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, J1078 said:

    Buddy are you serious right now?? are you that blind.. Our traveling fans were assaulted and threatened by your security guards and your fans... WTF... Your stadium wasn't even safe for visiting fans as they had s%$#! being thrown at them as well as our players... For you to just say it was the actions of your assistant and no one else should be blamed clearly shows your mentality.  When fans are abused threatened and physically impacted as well as our soccer players then that goes beyond anything that could be written on a banner or said even though I don't condone it. A fine and a stadium ban for assaulting people is an outright joke and fifa should be ashamed.

    You're right, it's a disgrace that someone could get away with assaulting visiting fans, I wonder when FIFA will finally react!? :angry-662871:


  11. 3 hours ago, Argy said:

    What a joke this is. Their coach straight up punched a 5'6, 160 lbs player in the face. 

    Then he got fired, sued and personally fined. What more are you expecting? Why would the fans be punished (or the team) for something which had nothing to do with them, though Dzeko & Besic got 1 match bans each and the stadium (the only one which fulfils UEFA category 3) was suspended. Nothing is a 'joke' about it, any greater punishment would be comical and has never happened in footballing history. 

    1 hour ago, Ellada2004 said:

    It's a farce that they get off so ez. Greece had to play in an empty stadium vs Romania for some small disturbances vs Croatia at Euro 2012 qualifier.

    Bottom line if your Greece, Serbia or Russia FIFA screws you.

    Greece got off without any punishment for their antics in November so why are you so outraged? There is no global conspiracy against your football federation. It isn't at all 'easy' that we have player suspensions, stadium ban and a fine because of the actions of a coaching staff member. BTW, for drawing a swastika on the pitch vs Italy, Croatia got a 2 match closed doors suspension and a point deduction, so there is no conspiracy. 

  12. 21 hours ago, Dean97 said:

    There are bunch of animals. These Bosnian's think there something. They are a bunch of blockheads who have no knowledge about anything. They want to act tough by hitting old men. Why don't they come to Greece and do it in Karaiskaki stadium. Bunch of pigs. I hope they get demolished by Belgium. 

    Has the verdict come out yet regarding point deduction? They deserve every single punishment. 

    You are feigning outrage at this incident yet in this thread I've seen people refer to us as subhumans, degenerates, pigs, Turks, etc etc :animaatjes-confused-1124061:. Does that make you any better than them? Not really. As @Rockafeller Skank already said, why are you judging the actions of an entire nation and its people based on football hooligans, as though football hooligans are representative of an entire population? :confused: 

    I guess judging by this video you should make all the same comments about Greek people? Nobody is an angel and you certainly shouldn't expect to find them among football hooligans. Certain 'fans' in Athens also attacked and hospitalised a few elderly men when we played in November, yet you don't see any of the same comments being made...



  13. 7 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    My point is not the best people end up in sports. Trying to pinpoint irrelevant stuff to make yourself feel better because your team did not take a wanted result is pathetic. Just Talk about the game here we should just finish this convo.
    Look at this. http://www.sport24.gr/football/ellada/ethniki_elladas/se-video-h-epithesh-ston-gianniwta-apo-toys-vosnioys.4714387.html

    No idea what anything in that article says, but I was talking to the guy with the Panathinaikos avatar, who asked if we "have running water", not the fans who were at the game. 

    By the way, I know exactly who you are on the Bosnian forums, and you are treated with respect on there, yet here you do not show others the same. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    From the minute your fans were booing our anthem which is insulting to a nation as a total, you are in no position to say anything about Humanity.

    Yeah, whereas Greece was silent during our anthem in Athens, oh, wait...


    I was not at the stadium myself, so you are talking to the wrong person. I don't get that wound up by a game of sport that I'll start insulting people's religion, family, nation or whatever else.

  15. 49 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    We are bad vs Bosnia. They seem crazy when they play against us. Like they made an Enemy out of nowhere. I dont know why? Is it that they are muslim and close politically/friendly with the Turks, and we are Orthodox and "on paper" on the Russian side?

    Haha, no. It is not as tense as you think, we have played two friendlies as well which passed without any problems if I remember. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

    Stop giving them attention seriously. I post in Bosnian forums as well and people mock me cos I say what we believe here as true" our teams are not much of different in power" and they believe theirs is better. You re not gonna change their belief. 

    Given that the odds makers have Bosnia as heavy favorites for the game, they must believe we are a better team, and they are objective because their motive is profit-making. This doesn't mean anything in terms of a final result, but what's a better indicator of the true standing of things than that?

  17. 12 minutes ago, Boxou said:

    I think if there's someone who has deeper issues is you who constantly making comments about Greece playing like San Marino and how badly Bosnia will dominate them as a far better team etc. (yet you choosed not to reply on the rest part of my post)

    Emir bet 100 dollars on Greece to win this game, I think you are chasing shadows. 

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