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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm based in London and its getting bad here. I envisage the UK overtaking Italy and Spain with its number of deaths, very soon. I think we're peak at 1500 deaths a day. Mainly because our lunatic government instead of following the World Health Organisations and pretty much everyone elses advise to lockdown, test and trace, decided to go with the Herd Immunity model (I think the US also went with this idea to begin with). For a month or so we did nothing and the only advice was to wash your hands and catch and bin a sneeze in a tissue. Our Prime Minister and his two crazy Medical and Scientific Advisors actively wanted 60% of the population to get Covid-19 so we'd build up a Herd Immunity to the virus, any fool could see it was playing a deadly game of Russian roulette as Covid-19 has a mortality rate of 1 to 3%: 60% of the UK population is 39.6 million and 1% of that is 396,000 so that’s roughly how many would have died. It took the Royal Colleague of London to point this out to Boris Johnsons two muppet advisors before they finally saw sense and went into lock down, unfortunately the damage was already done and Covid-19 had spread massively into the population. To top it all now Boris and one of the advisors has Covid-19 so, so much for their expert advice. Things will get very grim soon and I can see the NHS getting to the point of collapse as they are so massively underfunded, civil unrest is already starting to brew. I'm a keyworker so have to work through this nightmare, driving in you can feel the tension people driving like lunatics, smashed up cars littering the streets. In Shepherds Bush where I work gangs have been looting our local supermarket for weeks and last night one of them stabbed a security guard. In certain areas many arn't bothering to stay at home or social distance and often cram into parks or high streets. I think the Governement will have to get the army out on the streets soon to try and get some order. I
    1 point
  2. Trump is a fraud; always been so. He's the most ignorant person who also believes he has the best opinion than anyone else. He's incompetent, and the presidency should NOT be the first gov office for anyone, but that's what the Repubs gave us. I'm more upset with the people who have been supporting this buffoon, though gross violations of the consitution, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and incompetence that results in many deaths. No decent person would be acting and saying stuff like this man has. And, when it comes to being an elected leader, what decent leader would say don't let this cruise ship come to port with sick Americans becuase "my numbers will look bad"???!!! I hope everyone here is safe and well.
    1 point
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