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Status Updates posted by Lazarus

  1. "Yes, I was beaten, left bloody and unconscious. But I never became bitter or hostile, never gave up. I believe that somehow and some way if it becomes necessary to use our bodies to help redeem the soul of a nation, then we must do it." Congressman John Lewis, June 2020.


  2. animation sport GIF by Lobster Studio

    "I'm only wishing to go a-fishing; for this the month of May was made."  - Henry van Dyke



  3. Loved the Belgium-Japan game. Coming back from 2 goals down is no small feat. Haven't seen it happen in World Cup knock-off stage since 1970.

  4. ♪♫♪  Fly Eagles, fly, on the road to victory...♪♪♫

  5. Drink some coffee and pretend you know what you're doing.

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