there so many things that go on behind the scenes that we dont know about, including within the team itself and pressure from club owners and governing bodies....
but unfortunately if we dont go through their will be nothing but criticsm, finger pointing, calls for new coaches, new players, new team uniforms and anythng else that can be complianed about.....
what should happen is the team should be met at the airport with supportive and appreciative fans for the effort.....(unless they clearly show no effort) that the problem and its why a lot of players think twice about even playing.....
imagine yourself a guy on the team that really busted his ass 100% and it wasnt get back "home" any there is nothing but knifes, daggers, and poison coming your way....think about it...
i dont suggest complacency if the team struggle since you need to improve the team at teh expense of players egos, but if the team knows it has the suport of the fans and the media etc regardless of outcome, it creates a much more positive atmosphere....