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Posts posted by EliasHarryHill

  1. Cypriots consider themselves Greek. We may have a different flag and government but our national anthem is the same. We have a different flag not by choice but because it was imposed on us due to colonisation by the British. A referendum before the invasion of 1974 showed clear support for ennosis with Greece: 95% infact! If you want further information go and do your research you stupid idiot and don't annoy others with your kafenio IQ and so called facts!

    By the way if you look at the Cypriot dialect you will find many words from ancient Greek which are no longer used in Greece.

    As for the pousto Aussies who gives a monkeys! They got big heads and participate in too many gay sports like snow boarding, surfing, rugby and cricket lmao! They want to win everything but when it comes to the one true sport, ie. football they are a pile of s**** and im glad they didn't spoil the world cup by progressing any further. Go Baghdatis!!!! :tup:

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