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if only we could spread these goals out instead of having the 4+ goal games and get ahead of oly in the table...

they play paok this week though and having lost 2 games in a row because their squad is being run thin from europa. I hope they do well in europa and drop points in the league :P

Edited by georgelaz
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Oly blows. We have said it before, their mental strength outweighs their quality. They have no business beating paok but time and time again they have mustered out results. Hopefully bento plays the kids and cardoso (great player once upon a time).


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if the current trend continues - if olympiakos beats bestikas - we have a good chance of beating them at leoforos.

if olympiakos can invest their full energies in superleague, than they have the edge over us.

they're still the best team in the league.

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