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You can get ert world for free via Kodi, as well as all the other mainstream channels from Greece. Just get one of those cheap $50 Chinese android boxes off eBay and off you go. No idea why anyone would pay for Greek tv these days, you don't even need decent internet for the Greek stuff.

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Right now you can get ert1, 2, 3, ert world, mega, alpha, Skai (shows Greek nt games), ant1, star, Greek cinema + 4-5 other Greek  movie channels, PIK/numerous other Cypriot channels, numerous Greek music channels and I'd say roughly another 20 odd regional stations from Greece. They just added mega cosmos and alpha sat recently and netv Toronto and Montreal Greek tv for you Canadians.

on top of that you have a catalogue of literally thousands of Greek movies and tv shows dating back decades, basically a Greek version of Netflix to go with live tv, and anything you miss live because of time difference you can watch via these catch ups. Even has the nova catchup which puts up highlights of super league games as soon as they end, you can also occasionally catch links from the other add ons within Kodi for Greek super league games live, quality is usually average though.

if you're paying for Greek tv now you are throwing your money away. In fact if you're paying for cable/sat tv in general aside from a  sports package you're throwing your money away.

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Is this an actual service or just a series of apps with various people uploading content and streaming the various channels?!  I see no mention of ANT1 Satellite, which indicates that its not a legal service, meaning at some point these channels might crack down and you will lose access to them and the content that belongs to them.  ANT1 from what I have seen is very aggressive in protecting access to their channel and content, going after anyone who tries to pirate their service.  Heck these guys don't even offer their web TV service outside of Greece which I don't understand?!  My dad is not home for the news so I have him watch it online later but stupid ANT1 blocks access to their own friggin' newscast- WTH?!  All other Greek channels offer free access to their newscasts except these jokers.  I could understand about the foreign programs that they don't have the rights to air outside of Greece but the news??

Odyssey TV here in Canada has been running an annoying ad for a while now about how they are the only legal provider in Canada of ANT1 Satellite, Alpha Sat, Mega Cosmos, Greek Cinema & SportPlus. I couldn't figure out what the reason was for this ad as I am not aware of any other service offering Greek channels but after reading your post I bet this is what they are griping about.

ERT, Skai & many of the regional stations in Greece offer free live streams off their website, which means you won't lose access to the channel.


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Ant1 is the most stable channel within the current greek add on, its probably the only one thats never gone down at all and im talking going on 2 years now! With the other channels like the ert and mega you get the web version and the greek version..the web versions usually go offline when they show american programming which is generally late night tv in greece...basically it will have ert1 web, ert1 alt (alternate, usually greek version) + another 2 backup streams of the same channel.

You can also download the greek tv android app off the google play store as a backup as well.

At the end of the day you got nothing to lose its free tv and its not going anywhere anytime soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I even have it set up on my Samsung phone and my Android box. Get all the Greek and Greek Cypriot 

channels free. Even get Mega Cosmos and Alpha Sat which were added not too long ago. I was surprised 

when I seen them added. Not too many sports channels though. Perhaps they will add them in the near future.

Now adding them to some Greek friends and relatives on their android boxes.

As long as you have good high speed internet, you should not have any problems.And the quality is really good.

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I almost forgot...........

If you have a ROKU device. you can add the Greek TV app and you will also get free 

Greek channels like SKAI, ANT1, MEGA COSMOS, ALPHA SAT, ERT WORLD, E & some Cypriot

channels. Also has a section for expats that include Greek Cinema and a bunch of other local Greek

channels like Creta TV. You will also require the internet for ROKU also. 

Nice little unit though. I find it user friendly and the quality is good.

And I have stopped paying for Greek channels from the local providers. If

the technology is there and you have the hardware, why pay when you can get it at

no cost  when the providers in Greece are offering the service through web service. 

Edited by mike0257
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  • 4 months later...

The thing is I don't watch the Greek Channels, my mother does who's 89 and I'm taking care of her, so she doesn't know how to use the Internet technology?

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1 hour ago, MCIBUS said:

The thing is I don't watch the Greek Channels, my mother does who's 89 and I'm taking care of her, so she doesn't know how to use the Internet technology?

My parents can barely speak any English and they know how to use it, just play around with it for a few days and she will learn, its not that different to normal tv, once it's set up all the Greek channels will appear and she can just scroll up and down like a normal remote control, all you have to do is press ok to enter the channel. At worst it will cost you $30 for the box, if she finds it too hard you can just stick with what you have, definately worth a go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I bought an Android Smart Box TV. NICE!! 63 Greek Channels plus 100 and 100 hundres of ethnic & french & english channels IE HBO USA SYFY etc. still going thru it all but I think I may get ride of my dish network. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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