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Panthrakikos vs AEK

Original 21

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I would be really disappointed if you did something like that OriginalSydney. What exactly are you going to get out of signing on to that piece of s%$#! forum and talking to them? What do you think, you're going to reach some kind of resolution or some kind of peace treaty? You guys have to realize something. This forum is the highlight of their day, if they didn't have something gs or phantis related to talk s%$#! about they'd die of boredom. For Christs sake one of them is a supposed AEK fan who is a tsiraki on a gauro site who lives in Pennsylvania, the most boring ###### place in the world. Can you imagine his life without that forum? He's tried to join gs.com a good 15 times. Their hatred for this site gives their lives meaning hahaha Anything you have to say you keep it in here with the rest of the civilized world. 


Also while were on that note, I'd like to quote some posts made by this certain "AEK" poster they have over there and bury him once and for all because he decided to take it too far and wish me genital cancer and that I become sterile:


1. Many men who overcome genital cancer are able to have kids afterwards, so there goes that little theory you had in your demented head. 


2. Its AEKTZHS, not AEKatzis you illiterate idiot. 


3. Just because you type in Greeklish it doesn't mean that you can write any dumb s%$#! you choose. The words are EINAI not Ine , and Esu not Esi......KAI not ke........PAIKTES not pextes.......KANEIS not kanis......EDW not edo.......ZWH not zoi.......I can go on for days honestly but as a piece of advise to you, how about you learn some Greek before you try to insult people in that language ;)


4. Thank you for exposing your self by making up fairy tales in order to keep your masters satisfied with you on their site haha. No such conversation about the greatest Greek players ever took place between you and I, and I have no problem saying that K a rapialh  is one of Greece's greats. Actually Ka.ra.pialh is a relative of mine through marriage (my father is from Larissa). I don't have a problem mentioning Georgato either. Actually the only thing that our conversations ever had to do with was how you hated people like Red Spartan(and the other reds) who had filled you with warnings and would take shots at you daily in the political forums because you were a communist nut and he was a royalist nut. How ironic that you are eating where you once s%$#!.


Also how funny that the first thing you did when you tried signing up as Gouzgkouni21 again was to try and message me as a friend. Im sure you were very outraged at my alleged comments haha. This senile F*** was even trying to meet up with me when his AekaraPA account was getting banned. I'd say you suffer from serious dementia and are senile if you think I'd befriend a psycho such as your self. 


5. In regards to the fan club: "oh and since were at it ke theli na to paiksi aekatzis EVERY time they need donations for the club bus trips this that ine o monos p*****s pou den vazi to xeeri stin tsepi,milame gia poli ftoxobines ala behind keyboards aek ke aek "


:lol: AHAHAHAHAHA Let me give you a little lesson in geography. New York City and Athens are 5,000 miles apart and have these little things called the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean dividing them. So its safe to say, we won't be taking any bus trips any time soon.


Also nice to see you making up fables again to keep your gauro masters entertained. You don't know anyone in the NY fan clubs and no one would say the negative things you mentioned about me. I'm actually a paid member of the club and go to the yearly xorosperides(the ones that gauroi try to attend as well to get autographs from guests like Nestoridi and Demi Niolaidi) But nice try! 


At the end of the day you're just a foul mouthed old man who thinks he's some kind of magka, who used to claim that he would beef with Xatzixristo. Your avatars consist of gouzgkouni and John Gotti, you're a caricature that no one ever took seriously and you had to go as low as to feed on other people's hatred of AEK fans just to feel accepted by someone, you sad little person. Tsampa magkas kai "aekatzis" tou kolou xaxaxa Eisai geloios mparmpaaaa xaxa 



Like I said before fellas, keep those miserable F***s stuck in their own misery. They're probably already getting tired of the repetitive nature of their posts. I mean how many times can you repeat the same s%$#! about disease wishers and peoples mothers blahh blahhh right? How long will they keep making the same harr harr harr jokes about perfume and in.ferno's hallucinations and poems/haikus? Its so tired that only a bunch of bored delusional people would keep going the way they are. Remember THEY are the outcasts who had to make a new site just to talk s%$#! ALL DAY LONG. Most of the posters on that site not only got banned from the old site but kept trying many times over to sign back in through different accounts. I guess they must not have hated it that much huh? That's how pathetic the individuals we are talking about are.

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Che only did it for a reason to clear something up with one of them after they ASKED ME to, so thought it was the right to do so we could clear the air as I have no issues with him. As for the rest of them I wont even bother...... But you hit the nail on the head with your post!!


LOL one of them is trying to make me mad apparently by saying the refs helped us vs Giannina, hmmm weren't we already winning 2-1 by then? Shows how much you know or should I say how little you know :)


Claiming the penalty on the weekend wasn't a penalty then just shows you are CLUELESS when it comes to football :)


He's got me soooo mad that I cant wipe the smile from my face :) :) :) :)

Edited by Original Sydney
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Ahahaha that poster you speak of was called Lavalioti, people got so sick of his dumb posts, terrible grammar, and ridiculous writing style that they kicked him out. The guy can't put a sentence together let alone make a decent argument. I think even red mods were involved in the decision too. Ever since then he attempted to join the site with every geographical name or letter combination he can think of to describe Montreal and kept getting rejected over and over. He has NO clue about formations, tactics, players or pretty much anything that has to do with the game other than talking s%$#!. Trust me megale, don't waste you time with that joke. 

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I find what he says hilarious, he is still stuck on us getting 6 apparent points with the help of refs hahahaha shame we were winning when those 2 players got sent off and now he is trying to say that it wasn't a penalty BUT I guarantee you if it was an Oly player it would've been a penalty 100% but cause its AEK we got help from the refs....


I have seen what they say and majority have no clue on football.


I am sure there are a couple of trolls in here under certain names trying to stir the pot, its not half obvious who they are......


By the way Che I think you pinched a nerve on him he aint happy........


They are worried I said "send them to gas chambers" but they condone people wishing cancer on others and their kids, great bunch over there......

Edited by Original Sydney
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Ahahaha he's so unhappy that he had to mention an AEK fan club president from 20 years ago who got kicked out for shady dealings and who doesn't step foot in the fan club anymore (and hasn't in over a decade). Again, nice try attempting to throw out some names you read on a newspaper or something, but you fall short every time and try to cover up with ridiculous little cursing fits. Awww einai euaisthitouliisss o geros axaxax

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Some people just don't get sarcasm or tongue in cheek when things are said on this forum they are still stuck on those words lol


Let them talk Che they are happy they opened a forum for themselves and think its a big thing, go open a club then talk, cyber bullies :)


Che atleast we got their page a little busier today hahahahahahahaha

Edited by Original Sydney
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Re ton Lavalioti :lol: I should have guessed it was that retard, all these years and yet his number one goal in life is to talk s%$#! about a site, and its members because he was banned from it for being...well, a nutjob, and that's putting it lightly....


You sure made your parents proud boy, growing up to accomplish nothing in your life but be a skidmark and a nobody and by the looks of things.... insane?


Keep talking about us, please, because after all "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about" 


Re ton papari :lol:

Edited by Dikefale11
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Sorry Amo that you went through that but we needed a good laugh for the day and to also help their page get a little busier :)


They went from 155 to 160 in a day that must be a record for them over there hahahahaha


Anyway after all is said and done one mention by me and they all lost their sh*t and went nuts with their posts... the other one is begging me to join their page as he has legitimate questions to ask me, but as I said its abit hard to join when they don't accept your request, if he wants to ask question make an account here if you haven't got one already and pm what you want to ask, happy to answer whatever question you may have.....


And by the way boys F*** it sucks that the refs have gifted us 6 points this season, it makes me very mad hahahahaha that one is the best call of all.....

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Kala didn't expect less seems like they enjoy twisting things to be in their favour, some really lack logic and don't understand tongue in cheek comments and thinking I get mad when they say we got 6 points with refs helps hahaha look who's talking about refs helping, but each to their own, they can say what they like, one wrote a comment about my wife and edited his comment in 2 mins, that's the type of people they are, Anyway I have given them enough attention so I wont bother anymore, if the aektzi wants to ask anything he can send me a pm here happy to answer whatever questions he says he has......

Edited by Original Sydney
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Anyone who brings families and wives into an internet forum no matter who it is, takes this way too seriously and needs to be checked out. In.ferno, we spoke about the emails at work thing on a short occasion back at gs.com and I didn't agree with any of that, but you all seem pretty complacent with your new pet gouzgkouni wishing me and my unborn children cancer. In all reality the stuff you guys write come off as psychotic. Bit of a double standard. 

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Gouz Gouz I don't care what you think champ, I have no need to lie to you, ask your mods and I am sure they'll see 2 attempts one is with my Original Sydney email and the other is from another one soccerfan121, so take your assumptions and tell them to someone who cares.


Infe-rno7 asked me to join there so we could have a chat about something, I even put my email on this forum for him or anyone else to email me but no one did, please don't talk rubbish and act like you know something as you are making yourself look like clown, just the red nose is missing......


Since your mods wont accept me on there come here and pm me mate you can say whatever you like since you say there's plenty to talk about

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Well Gouz Gouz I think your theory of me not joining and lying about it has shown who the liar is and that isn't me but YOU :) Next time don't assume or talk sh*t when you have no proof.


I think we have given them enough attention for 2 days, back to reality now, lets talk football while they talk about families........

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