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Illegal Immigration In Greece (and In Europe)

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Do you care to answer the rest of the post.

So far you have found 2 events spanning 12 years to tell me why Albanians were unsuccessful in Greece.

Now I will ask again. When was the last time you went to Greece? You seem to be an expert on everything in Greece, or perhaps you live there?

 Olympic Hellas the figure  I am using is a maximum that would come into Greece under this deal.. Given it's capped at 72 000 in Europe, it is nearly impossible for more than 10 000 to come to Greece as part of this deal.


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Hailey DeJong, Muslim Student, Thanks Ottawa Bus Driver For Calling Out Passenger



"Bigotry hurts everyone by lowering the humanity level of society. Sitting idle is not an option," Charette wrote. "You are either part of the problem or on the side of the solution."




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I'll stop after this post. You clearly don't go to Greece so unless you see things with your own eyes you cannot make a judgment.

As a general rule in life, you align yourself with people that you express the same views with. So your trusted sources are merely the same golden dawn fantasists.  In our village we have a hard working Algerian that has married a widowed woman with children, and supports the family. Using your bullshit standards I can now declare that all Algerians in Greece are great people and support all families. (OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE). But that's the argument you are trying to make.

Excellent you've shown your ignorance more than once. Especially with your religion comments. The Irish attend church more regularly. The same Irish who just voted to legalise same sex marriage. That should tell you that Greeks on the large aren't really governed by Orthodox values.

Organised crime gangs are obviously the worst. However, you trying to link all Albanians to them is where your Golden Dawn fantasy really takes a beating. Your 'trusted sources' would never tell you about the Albanians who integrate into society and perform jobs because it suits their agenda not too.

Unfortunately, that same article you posted mentioned Bulgarians. Heaven forbid your Orthodox Brothers are also committing crimes. 

Back to the main point. I'd rather educated Syrian muslims in Greece that will contribute positively to the country than village idiots that happen to be christian. 


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Crime is bad in places like Paris. In fact, 175 people died in one night! Thankfully we have a mass surveillance state and militarized police who can put up curfews and lock entire neighborhoods down. And then the state can declare which forms of speech are okay. Europe isn't becoming totalitarian. The EU loves us, it loves the refugees, it loves freedom. We should stay in and become what Albania was under Soviet control. We should let some far off, distant group of unelected officials run every aspect of our lives and brainwash us into stupidity. Of course we should let in millions of military aged men from countries that practice beliefs like waging holy war against infidels, only a right-wing, fascist Golden Dawn supporter or village idiot would disagree.


Going back to your main point, when you educate the Syrian Muslims do you show them pictorials like this?




Nice misquote to suit your agenda.

A) The EU is a joke, when did I say otherwise?

B) It's not only in Paris, but whatever suits you

C) Since when did 10 000 become millions?

D) Educated vs educate. There is a difference.


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The village idiot comment I made is aimed at the Syrian village idiot who may happen to be christian.  The educated muslims are typically just as liberal as christians in western countries.  I still think though hen you look at the middle eastern areas its more a cultural thing than religious thing. The reality is the village christians are going to be slightly less backward than the village muslims ( if they are any less backward).  However, if you get someone who is educated as a doctor, lawyer or professor you would imagine they would contribute to society given how other muslims of similar educational backgrounds have managed to do so in other  western countries. 

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I didn't mean to misquote you, and for that I apologize, but I don't know how you can assume that these people should be allowed in and assimilated even though we have little to no way of discerning who is a threat and who isn't a threat. At least the Greek village idiot is virtually harmless and isn't hell bent on killing scores of people.




It's not my area of expertise, but there are methods to weed out potential threats at multiple levels from the initial landing of an immigrant and other regular procedures after they've come in. Also many attacks are carried out by citizens born of immigrant parents, so closing your borders won't necessarily keep you safe. At the end of the day if someone is willing to blow himself up to carry out an attack, you're not going to find a way to stop them every time, even the best counter terrorism teams don't have a spotless record. The best way to mitigate future attacks is to stop doing the types of things that creates terrorists, that would be a great start.

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That is the only way these people know is through violence and killing.  You're dealing with people who only live for religion and nothing else.  These people should be taken on a ship and given 2 options.  Either we will take you back to Syria or the second option, we drop you in the middle of the ocean.  

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Is Greece a free country or not? If a few hand gestures bother you...that's your right, personally I think there must be at least 1000 other issues that have a greater importance than, to each their own though by all means.

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  • 2 months later...

Obviously some ignorant people in here are not aware of the fact that more illegal immigrants have been deported under the Obama administration than any other administration in the history of the US.  Instead they shout one-liners like little parrots. And just in case you long for the past, here are some fond (for you) memories.



Edited by JimAdams
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yes im ignorant yet know many ice officers hahahah . ya ok look in the mirror keep listening to cnn and editing material for your pleasure. when you know people whom work for immigration then open your mouth.  till then your words have as much value as mosquito with the zika virus

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Yes, Jim Adams, don't bother us with some fancy statistics, numbers (easily verifiable), and whatever else. Truthiness is what you feel in your gut that matters.

The ICE people are the most reliable sources on the matter of immigration, because, heck, they're totally objective.  Also, don't you love the argument that unless you know someone from the ..inside you shouldn't have an opinion even if it's backed by ascertainable* facts and logic.

*facts can be discovered; not everything is a matter of opinion....

[but you can't argue with people who say, like, evolution is just another theory....]

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@the grocery bagger...

exactly what would immigration workers know. hell im a blind liberal whom believes Hillary didn't know what "C" standed for. your job must entail the importance of a grocery clerk bagger. yes facts hahah if facts hit you in the head you still would be in denial sucking off cnn

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On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 4:54 PM, 1789 said:

There are over 11 million illegals (the most commonly cited figure) in the US and that's an estimated figure. There was a BearStearns study that was made back in 2005 which tallied the figure to be as high as 20 million and that an average of 3 million illegals were entering the country per year, which would explain why some have cited as many 30-35 million since then. It's nearly impossible to know how many illegals are in the US because they are undocumented.

Obama has indeed deported more illegal immigrants than any previous President, but it's had little effect in remedying the issue. I think most Americans would agree that there is a problem with immigration policies and that not enough is being done, especially in light of what is happening in Europe.

open door policy, his deportation is smoking gun and mirrors. unless you commit a felony your not getting deported. but others are very much knowledgeable with there gallop pole info hahahah

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  • 1 month later...

Hungary's Karl Orban is no angel, to put it mildly. He dreams of another empire, the Austro-Hungarian one, and he's exploiting the anti-immigrant and anti-Jewish sentiment to pass authoritarian measures--restricting freedoms, going after political opponents, like Putin does, whom he admires--while blasting the EU, which few years ago saved Hungary from bankruptcy by giving it $26 billion. His strong anti-communist stance and his rabid religious fervor are seen as very attractive by the right wing, including the extreme right, and  people like the "Burkean conservatives" like Evans-Pritchard, and our own 1789 here.

A Greek-American was appointed ambassador to Hungary and spent 3 years there. Her memoir on that experience in Hungary is interesting. Here's another article from the Polico on Hungary and Orban.

By the way, I'm taking bets as to the demise of the EU...

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23 minutes ago, athinaios said:

He dreams of another empire, the Austro-Hungarian one

Surely this is not serious.

23 minutes ago, athinaios said:

By the way, I'm taking bets as to the demise of the EU...

What odds are you offering ?

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