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Posts posted by CincinnatiAek

  1. Karim Ansarifard official for 3 years. I like that move.

    Galanopoulos renewed so Kastanos likely out of the picture. Mixed on that one but like to keep an acadmey kid. Hopefully he can stay healthy this season.

    Mantalos onto UAE for some nice retirement money. Guessing he returns to Aek to finish his career after a few years in the UAE.

    Guessing they add 2 more players. Would like anothe keeper but don't see that happening.

  2. Hnid is now official. Team is expected to sign another forward in the near future. Would love if they also nabbed another midfielder since Szymanski had surgery and will be out for 2-3 months.

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  3. I don't see them adding a right back, but I am willing to be surprised. They are trying to move Verde and Oikonomou. I understand with Oikonomou, not so much with Verde as there are no other natural right wingers on the team. I don't love Verde as a player but he is still somewhat young and can improve.

    I think you have to either renew Livaja soon or move him while there is some interest. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Nea Bafra said:

    Most teams appear to be coasting post lockdown tbh

    Sure, but AEK has been doing this for a few seasons. Won the unexpected title a few seasons ago, somehow got to the Champions League group stage. Put all the money into the stadium to reduce debt/be debt free. Then proceeded to ignore roster problems for the next two seasons. I understand looking for free transfers but they had a chance when they qualified for the group stage to spend a little money and secure some quality players.

    This season, everyone knew Hult was leaving and they ignored that at the deadline as well as the gaping holes on defense. 

  5. Agree on the derbies. Lost 3-2 against PAO earlier in the season after leading 0-2. Have generally been bad against the other top teams. 

  6. Shocked they won today. Can't remember the last time they beat PAOK before today.

    They are so far behind because the team has little depth, has had a revolving door of managers, and has had some injuries. Team has needed CB help for years and still trots out the same guys. There is also a lack of creativity on the finishing end. They tend to struggle against teams that park the bus and had some bad draws against lower table teams this season.

  7. Crazy Greek cup semi v Aris. Managed to get through in Stoppage time. Highlights are crazy. Not sure we will be able to field a team going forward. Lots of red and yellow cards dished out in this one. 

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