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Everything posted by Athens4

  1. The way the German cup or FA cup is planned is exactly how every cup should be. I don't understand why it is so hard to emulate.
  2. Hudson, you clearly have not read my posts properly as I stated that the first to blame were the Greeks themselves. With regards to accepting bailouts, allow me to compare to situation to a heroin addict. An addict (Greece) is in terrible shape and can barely look after itself (corruption, economy). However, when give a fix (bailout), the addict is able function just a little until it wears off (bailout money running out). Instead of getting clean the addict thinks just one more hit will do the trick (one more bailout package). The dealer (EU) knows that it won't be the last and knows that the addict has no money to pay him back though has certain assets. The dealer keeps feeding the addiction until one day he demands he money back. This is (no doubt) a common story of dealers and gangs getting back what is owed to them. In order for an addict to get clean, they need to go cold turkey. That involves a lot of suffering, vomiting and sleepless nights. In order for Greece to get clean there would be long term suffering by finally turning our backs on the EU. Unfortunately we are all selfish and choose only the short term quick fixes. I see the Brexit party got a majority in the EU parliament. I also see Boris gunning for the top job and claiming he will push Brexit through with or without a deal. Not sure I would vote for any of these under normal circumstances but at least they will finally cut immediate ties with this immoral gang.
  3. Πωπω ενα πιστόλι!
  4. Bad decision in my opinion. Shakov only showed up the last six months because his contract was expiring.
  5. And that ladies and gentlemen, will be the end of me watching the Greek league. It will be just the cup and Europe for me going forward. After years they finally get rid of the play offs only to bring them back now that the league is getting more competitive. What a joke.
  6. This is huge. He will be finishing his career with us. Great news.
  7. They lent money knowing very well that Greece would never be able to pay it back. The aim was never to be paid back in cash. The aim was always to be repaid in assets, which is exactly what is being done. I cannot believe people still cannot see this.
  8. Honestly I think he should be contending for a place in our starting 11.
  9. I am actually going to stop reading sports websites and just read this thread from now on. Much more reliable to honest.
  10. Δεν διαβάζεις αυτα που γράφω; Είπα πως οι πρώτοι που φταίνε για την κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα είναι οι ίδιοι οι Έλληνες! Μετά εκτεθήκαμε και μας παγίδεψανε οι φίλοι μας οι Ευρωπαίοι.
  11. Just watched the highlights. The first ridiculous thing is that although they are both from Crete, there were no away fans in any of the games. Stupid. Second of all, Kominis should be hung out to dry. What a joke.
  12. Does anyone know which corporations are sponsoring both sides in this one? Anyone new or is it the usual suspects?
  13. Δεν ξέρω για ποιά Ευρώπη μιλάς (ίσως σε ενα παράλληλο σύμπαν). Σίγουρα η Ευρώπη στην οποία ζούμε δεν έχει αυτα τα χαρακτηριστικά όμως. Εκτός κι'αν συγκρίνεις με Αραβίες και Ασίες, τότε εδω είναι σίγουρα καλύτερα. Βέβαια να προσφέρεις καλύτερο επίπεδο ζωής απο κατι Κίνες, Ιράν κλπ δεν είναι και τίποτα σπουδαίο. Δεν μου απάντησες για το μέλλον των παιδιών σου και την τωρινή κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα.
  14. What you’re saying is that the happiness and prosperity of our lives depend entirely on the EU. I refuse to even entertain this idea as I completely disagree with it. You are also accepting just what the gang wants you to think - that you are nothing without it. As I said, it’s a great idea on paper but a disaster in reality.
  15. Έχουμε και δουλειές να 'ούμε. Δεν έχω κάποιο σκοπό να σε διαλύσω. Έχεις μια άποψη, άσχετα που δεν συμωνώ μαζί σου. Για να έχεις όμως αυτή την άποψη θα πρέπει να έχεις και τους λόγους σου. Όμως φίλε ukworm, μονο το Λονδίνο ψήφισε να παραμείνει στην ΕΕ. Όλοι οι άλλοι που ψήφισαν για έξοδο είναι άσχετοι δηλαδή; Μόνο το Λοδίνο έχει μορφωμένους και ωραίους; Φίλε @ukworm βρισκόμαστε σε διαφορετικά στάδια της ζωής. Εσυ φαντάζομαι έχεις οικογένεια, παιδί(α), σπίτι με δάνειο και άλλες τέτοιες υποχρεώσεις. Λογικό να σε φοβίζει μια τέτοια αλλαγή που είναι για όλους κάπως περίπλοκη/δύσκολη. Εγω απ'την άλλη δεν έχω παιδιά, δεν είμαι (ακόμα) παντρεμένος και υποσχέθηκα στον εαυτό μου οτι δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να υποκύψω στις τράπεζες και να πάρω δάνειο για σπίτι. Εαν ήμουνα εγώ στη θέση σου ίσως να πίστευα κι'εγω αυτα που πιστεύεις εσυ. Ίσως και οχι. Εγώ τα βλέπω αλλιώς. Εγώ βλέπω μια συμμορία (ΕΕ) που προσπαθεί να κατακτήσει την Ευρώπη με κάθε κόστος. Τώρα το τι κρύβεται πίσω απ'ολη αυτη την ιστορία είναι άλλη συζήτηση. Μια συζήτηση που ξέρω εαν θα μπορέσουμε κάνουμε γιατι έχει να κάνει με το τι πιστεύουμε οτι συμβαίνει στον κόσμο. (Masons. I'll leave it there). Σου'χω πεί ήδη για το City. Ετσι και φύγουν το 70% των τραπεζών (το οτι έχουνε μεταφερθεί άτομα απο Λονδίνο στη Φρανκφούρτη το ξέρω, δεν πρόκειται να εγκαταλείψουν ποτέ ομως το Λονδίνο, ολο και ενα γραφείο θα παραμείνει ανοιχτό) θα πρέπει να στήσουμε ενα πάρτι στο Monument. Για tariffs που λες, κι'αυτό πολύ δύσκολο. Πχ. τα κρασιά, τις σαμπάνιες και τα τυριά που παίρνουμε απο την Γαλλία θα ανεβούνε στη τιμή λες; Ξέρεις τι χρήμα θα χάσει η Γαλλία εαν γίνει αυτο; Δεν θα το επιτρέψει. Όσο για την Βόρεια Ιρλανδία, πολλοί λένε εδω και χρόνια να ενωθεί πάλι με την Ιρλανδία. Κι'γω θα υποστήριζα την ένωση. Ίσως τώρα να είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία να γίνει (που δεν θα γίνει αλλα τέλος πάντων). Κάθε καταστροφή (που δεν θα είναι, αλλα λέμε τώρα) είναι μια ευκαιρία να ξανακτήσεις κατι απο την αρχή (και να το κάνεις ακόμα καλύτερα). Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατι ανησυχείς όμως. Το ξέρουμε και οι δυο οτι δεν πρόκειται να γίνει κανένα Brexit. Μας έχουνε ζαλίσει κάθε μέρα επίτεδες μέχρι να σιχαθούμε και να πόυμε "ασ'το ρε παιδιά, φτάνει πια, εντάξει δεν βγαίνουμε, επιτέλους λίγη ησυχία". Οι άλλοι στη Βουλή κοντράρονται για τις θέσεις τους ενώ φτιάχνουν κρυφές συμφωνίες μεταξύ τους ώστε το deal της Μεϊ να μη φίνει δεκτό. Γνωστό το παραμύθι. Γι'αυτό μην αγχώνεσαι αδερφέ. Όλα καλά θα πάνε. Θα παραμείνουμε στην ΕΕ. Υγ. Ποιά στερεοτυπικά συνθήματα βρε @Emperor ; Εσυ δηλαδή είσαι ευχαριστημένος μ'ολα αυτά που γίνονται στην Ελλάδα; Γουστάρεις που τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια σου θα πρέπει να φύγουνε για το εξωτερικό ωστε να σωθούν; Γουστάρεις που η χώρα θα ανήκει σε Γερμανούς και τα νησιά μας θα πωλούνται σε ρώσους; Σου αρέσει να βλέπεις φίλους να αφήνουν την οικογένεια και τους φίλους και να φεύγουν για άλλες πολιτείες; Είναι ωραία να βλέπεις φοιτήτριες να πουλάνε τα κορμία τους για ενα γεύμα; Τότε ζήτω η Ευρώπη! Ζήτω η ΕΕ! Success story! Εϊμαστε πρόβατα για σφάξιμο. No wonder society is the way it is. We are all too bothered about staying safe, afraid of change, not offending anyone, not taking any risks and being the good little slaves that we all are. Too busy posting pictures on Instagram about a life that we don't really have and that we don't even like, sharing everything we do on Facebook, craving the attention we so desperately need to validate ourselves while the powers that be are laughing while taking control. So let's all just stay the same and never challenge anything. Let's just succumb without a fight because we're just too busy and scared to lose the few things that we have, which in the near future will not be worth anything anyway.
  16. ^ Dude, there was a referendum in Greece with regards to accepting the bail out package or not. 63% voted no and the government accepted it anyway. Do you honestly think Greece would leave the EU? Nobody said they wanted to be paid to leave or keep privileges. Do you honestly think other European countries wont want a serperate trade agreement with the UK if it leaves? @ukworm our opinions differ, let's leave it at that. On paper the EU is haven, but the reality is something completely different. As I said it probably wont even go through anyway. I'm not quite sure how you plan to drive improvement from within if there is a lack of space. I am also not sure why there will be no way back. Surely if we rely solely on the EU for our future then that is a problem. May wants the extension because she doesn't want to leave. Right now in parliament it isn't about the country, it is about everyone keeping their seat. That is what the deal is about. We are not blind.
  17. I am sure there is supposed to be. The reality is probably very different. Not sure when the last time you went to Greece was, but it is pretty bad there right now.
  18. Disappointing but I catch myself realising the same thing time and time again. They are all just in it for the money.
  19. Our good friend @ukworm who has probably never lived anywhere else in the UK except for London (please correct me if I am wrong, I usually try not to make assumptions). First of all I did not vote. Although I could have, I chose not to as I was not living in the UK at the time. Personally I believe that you should only be allowed to vote in the country you are payng taxes in. It is the same reason why I disagree with Greeks living here voting during the general elections. If you vote then you should have to live with the immediate consequences (not just because you want to return one day in the future). Now let us go over your points. 1) What kind of union would try and make an example of a member that has democratically chosen to leave? If it were a peaceful organisation it would merely allow said member to leave without any of this nonsense. Why on Earth is there a bill for leaving? This is why it is a gang. Just like a gangster must pay his way out of the clan, the same applies here. 2) I never said that Greece didn't want to join. The Greek politicians saw the opportunities to line their pockets with EU money. Same with so many farmers and other common folk who cheated the system and got paid. My point was that it was a trap in the first place to have countries with much poorer economies adopt the Euro. Besides, when has Greece ever said no to the EU or US in the past 40 years? The last person to stand up to the bullies had a whole fiasco at the Polytechnic staged by Uncle Sam and then died in prison after refusing to accept his release. By no means should the deaths that day be condoned and I am not saying I agree with everything he stood for - this is another story altogether. 3) As I said, politicians on both sides lie. What is your point? 4) This is all scaremongering. With regards to being prepared, I too have no idea what is round the corner. I think after witnessing the conditions of Greece and having lived in Italy (again, both countries have themselves to blame first), I would rather battle than succumb. You know, die standing instead of living kneeling. Those were the ways of the Ancient Hellenes though, unfortunately they no longer apply to us neo-Greeks. 5) Why would someone who is supposed to be indifferent about the departure of a fellow member offer extension after extension? It isn't because they are kind. We have already established that the EU is a bully. That is exactly what it is. An insecure bully that wants to take over by humiliating other countries like Greece, Italy and Portugal. The minute somebody (UK) stood up to the bully we saw exactly how frail the union is. How many suicides are there every month in Greece? How many business in Italy were bought up by German giants? How many Spaniards have had to leave their country to find work elsewhere? All so that the Euro can stay afloat and keep the fatcats happy. I couldn't care less about the City (if it is the financial district you are referring to) and as far as I am concerned we should have a national holiday if the banks and other financial institutions decide to close up and move elsewhere. You are talking to someone who did 4 years investment banking and decided to leave after witnessing exactly what goes on behind the scenes. They are one of the reasons why the world is in a crisis. The North of England has always been neglected, perhaps if we actually do leave (which I doubt will happen) we could finally give some money to those people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I feel ashamed reading your points. People in London really ought to travel to different parts of the UK. Having lived in London since January I can confirm that it really is a giant bubble. Now I will move on to your second post. Nobody said the Polish builder is the problem. Where did you hear this? As I said before, if someone from another country is moving here and finding work without any contacts and with English as a second or third language, while the native is unemployed then it is indeed the native who is the problem. I saw this as an issue of integration. There are many people who choose not to integrate into our Western society. Did you hear about the girls in villages in Germany with blonde hair? The police approached them and told them to dye their hair black as not to arrouse immigrants. How about all the Asian grooming gangs up North? (I once heard an Pakistani man say "Ok, and what about the Catholic Church with the little boys?" and to be fair he has a point - not that two wrongs make a right). Like many others, I am for open borders, but in order for this to happen you need to be on the same level culturally. Women walking around London with only their eyes visible is wrong. They are not objects, they are human beings. This is a cultural issue, gentlemen. If I were to go to Saudi Arabia I would have to respect their laws. You (should) respect the laws of any country when visiting/moving there. Why is it that here is different? Why do we bend over backwards for the minority? These days you are called a racist for flying your St. George's flag. Space. I don't need to remind you that the UK is an island with limited space. A lot of the green spaces where I grew up (outside of London) have now been bought up and built upon. Soon there won't be any green left. The traffic on the roads every morning is a nightmare where they have built but not readjusted the road. Schools are overflowing and hospitals cannot cope. Indeed there is already a growing population and age of living is increasing but it also doesn't help when people from all corners of the world are also moving here. Again, you probably wouldn't know about this because you live in London! If it annoys you that much that the majority (ie everyone except those living in the lovely bubble called London) voted out in their country then you can always pick up and leave. This isn't me telling you to F off, I have no right to tell anyone where they should or shouldn't be. This is me telling you that you are not a tree.
  20. Although Ipsos has been seen as a rather reliable source, I am not sure the company of a person who has close ties to the Conservative party can be counted on. Especially on this topic. However if you would like to open an immigration debate then I am all ears.
  21. I think he signed a permenant deal with OFI last month (unless it fell through).
  22. As I said, let's keep doing referendums until remain wins. With regards to campaign spending, nobody seems to have a problem when both election candidates are financed by the same sponsors. @Bananas again, the immigration issue was not the main point of Brexit. I explained in my post what it means if a native is unable to find a job when foreigners are.
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